Great Backyard Bird Count Kick-off: Bird Walk at the Audubon Nature Center

02/14/2025 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM MT


  • Free


Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center
11280 Waterton Rd
Littleton, CO 80125
United States of America


From February 14-17, join the world in counting birds with the Great Backyard Bird Count! Whether at home or on a walk, count, identify, and log your observations on eBird to help scientists understand the state of our birds.


Bundle up and help us kick off the Great Backyard Bird Count with a beginner-friendly bird walk around the trails of our Nature Center! We will meet at our Nature Center and spend a few minutes watching our feeders and discussing bird identification tips. Then we will walk the trails (which could be snowy or icy, so make sure to wear appropriate footwear!). We will walk around 1.5 miles at a leisurely pace, passing our ponds (which may or may not be frozen by that time!) as well as walking along parts of the South Platte River. We may see chickadees, sparrows, ducks, and if we are lucky some American Dippers or Belted Kingfishers! You will also have the opportunity to learn about community science and how your observations made during the Great Backyard Bird Count contributes to scientific research.

Beginners are welcome! We will have binoculars available for anyone who does not have their own. See you there!